I recently ran across a blog that was doing a poll on the internet, asking about Christmas sweaters. They seem to think that wearing a sweater, sweatshirt or tee-shirt with Christmas images is tacky. There were some very strong opinions. They used ugly language to describe these fashion choices-words like tacky, tasteless and dorky. I beg to differ.
I wait 11 months to wear my Christmas clothes. I have a sweater with snowmen that has actual wooden light bulb charms hanging on a Christmas tree; another wool jacket that has Santa and snowmen on it; I have a sweatshirt that Mom made that has holly leaves painted on it; and several button up blouses that have various holiday scenes. I don't care if they are tacky, tasteless or dorky. I think they show my Christmas spirit, and every time I wear one, someone comments on it in a positive way. I don't need some internet snob telling me I am tacky when I wear my holiday finery. I have a family for that.
And while I'm on the subject.....
All My February Favorites, Do You Use Any Of These?
17 hours ago
I can't believe I haven't gotten any comments on this one. Are you there, Michael? Are you sick?? This seems right down your alley to comment on!!
I think Christmas sweaters are great! I'm with you all the way on the Pink & Lime Green. I feel the same way about wearing a Pink Razorback shirt. Razorbacks are RED, Christmas is Real Red & Real Green! I do, however, use Blue lights on my tree, I just like them! I'm sort of wishy washy on the Minimalist thing. Much of my stuff is still packed away until we move and I miss it. But, at the same time I enjoy decorating, I HATE to undecorate. I can see where as people "age" they might not want to decorate as much. I'm getting older and crankier by the minute and can see both sides of it.
oh boy, i love you. you crack me up! so i think that christmas sweaters are ok... i wouldn' wear one unless i had a death wish, but thats only because i am still in high school. I guess we missed the opera. :( I was really looking forward to going to that with you too. :( oh well... maybe next time. I got my hair cut. yea, it was really bad. ill just send you an e-mail describing it because this has nothing to do with christmas sweaters. oops!
much love
I am not able to take your poll. I need a choice that is not as far to one side as tacky/dorky (those descriptions can be hurtful and disheartening) but not as far to the other side as fun/fashionable (those descriptions can be misleading and downright untrue). They are fun and I think you should wear them if you want to wear them. Hey, we are your family, we can put up with it for a few weeks around Christmas...but I would be careful out in public with one on.
Wearing Christmas sweaters is something highly personal, and I believe they are beautiful and fun. I have seen the most elegant ones and some that were just fun (and yeah, maybe tacky). If a person doesn't choose to wear them, fine. Opinions are our last fortress. Love your blog!
I love my Christmas clothes! Especially the sweatshirts that I embroider with Christmas motifs. I don't care who thinks it's tacky! I love Christmas and everything about it!
Ruth Ann, The Bag Lady
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