Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Goals

Since I've made such a big hairy deal to everyone I've talked to about not making "resolutions" but "setting goals", I guess I'm going to have to follow through. I really do need to start restricting my sugar and white flour intake, cut back on caffeine, drink more water and get moving!! It's not so much that I feel bad all the time, I just never feel good. Does that make any sense at all??

It's not going to be hard to eat healthier, walk more and drink water, except for the eating healthier, walking and water intake. That's the hard part.

It means less of these...

And more of these...

Not so many of these...

And more of this...

And probably none of these, at least not very often.

I miss them already!!
What are YOUR goals for the new year?
Happy 2010!


Selina said...

Hey your menu looks a lot like my mine!

dee dee said...

Way to go! Just thinking it counts in my book!... Dee dee

QuiKiTeau said...

Hum... looks like DELICIOUS :)